
Please see our Attendance Policy which outlines our procedures for following up on absence and lateness.

Leave of Absence Request

From September 2013 the Government changed its regulations about pupil absence from school to ensure that children’s attendance improves nationally.

Schools are now unable to authorise absence from school unless there are exceptional circumstances. Therefore it is unlikely that requests for holidays during term time will be authorised by the school, unless there are exceptional circumstances. If a child is off school with illness for a whole week you will need to provide medical evidence that the child has been ill and attended doctor’s appointments. As you may be aware if leave from school is taken and has not been authorised, the Local Authority may impose a fine.  For more information visit Penalty Notices - Torbay Council

Our School Attendance Policy (above) details the law on taking children out of school during term time.

If you feel you have exceptional circumstances please complete and submit the form below for consideration. Alternatively you may wish to discuss this with the Headteacher; in which case please telephone or email the School Office to make an appointment.

Absence Request Form