Uniform helps to promote a sense of pride in our school; create a sense of community and belonging and it supports our commitment to inclusion.
We have chosen our uniform as it is practical, smart and designed with health and safety in mind. It is considered good value for money. In order to support a sense of belonging to the school and community, we encourage the wearing of our school logo on jumpers, cardigans, and PE t-shirts. These are available to purchase directly from Riviera Schooldays and can be viewed/purchased online at:
However, we also recognise that the cost of branded uniform can be prohibitive, so as an alternative, non-logo items can be purchased from any high street store or supermarket. Our PTFA hold regular second-hand uniform sales which offer out-grown uniform in good, clean condition. We would also encourage any families to come and speak with any member of staff for help with the purchase of uniform as needed – we are always happy to help in any way we can.