School Meals & Menus

School Meals Provided by Fresha

At Fresha, we believe healthy children learn better, through improved concentration and energy levels. Healthy diets also result in improved behaviour and attendance at school.
We will provide the most nutritious meals; we want to make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of your children.
A team of chefs and a nutritionist put our carefully designed seasonal menus together. Our menus incorporate the required portions of fruit and seasonal vegetables; milk and dairy, meat, fish and proteins. All of our ingredients are sourced from the best suppliers in the West Country. Our meals are low in fat, low in sugar and low in salt. They are also carefully planned to ensure your children maintain the right balance of energy and concentration levels for their afternoons of learning.



Benefits of Fresha School Meals

  • Your children will benefit from the healthiest school meal provision available.
  • Our healthy school meals ensure children have energy and concentration in the afternoons, enabling them to get the most out of their learning and activities.
  • Our allergen training ensures that our kitchen teams identify individual children with specific dietary and allergen requirements and ensure that these requirements are met.
  • Our kitchen teams are trained to interact and engage positively with your children, encouraging good meal choices and clean plates at the end of lunch.
  • We will support the school with lessons and activities based around food.
  • Fresha aims to ensure that every child not only has the opportunity to enjoy a healthy school lunch, but also takes an interest in the food that they are eating.

As Fresha’s Owner and Director, I strongly and passionately believe in the delivery of healthy and nutritious meals to children. I have two boys that attend a local state primary school; the supply of nutritious meals to children is a cause close to my heart.
The same is true for many of Fresha's staff, whose children also attend Devon schools. Under my direction, the whole Fresha team works together, in a caring and diligent way to provide the best school meals possible. Because what your children eat matters.

If you would like to find out more about Fresha school meals, please click here:

To provide feedback to Fresha on school meals, you can email Fresha directly at:

Fresha July 2024

Ordering Meals:

All school meals are ordered through the School Gateway. You can access the Gateway either by downloading an APP onto your phone or you can visit this website:

For help with school gateway please visit their help pages:

If you are having problems logging in please don't hesitate to contact the school office.

Universal Infant Free School Meals

From September 2014, all children in reception, year 1 and year 2 state-funded schools in England will receive free school meals. The aim is to improve academic attainment and save families money.

Free School Meals

Children are eligible to receive free school meals if their parents are in receipt of any of the following benefits:

• Income Support

• Income-based Job Seekers' Allowance

• Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

• Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

• the Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

• Child Tax Credit, provided they are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs.

You can also apply online at

Packed Lunch

Children may, if they wish, bring a packed lunch, instead of the cooked meal. These are eaten in the hall under the supervision of a mealtime assistant. Please note that we are a nut free school so food containing nuts should not be bought into school. Cans/bottles of fizzy drink should also not be brought into school.  Children are not allowed to eat crisps, sweets etc. except with their packed lunch.  If there is a need for a snack at break time they are allowed to have fruit.